Purchase and Identification

Oils are divided into two categories, animal oils and vegetable oils. Animal oils and vegetable oils are divided into two categories, but the classification methods are different.

Animal oils are classified according to the source of the oil. One type of animal oil is derived from animal bodies, and animal fats are refined into oils, such as lard, dog oil, butter, etc.; the first type of animal oil is mainly obtained from animal milk, such as butter , Butter, etc.; Vegetable oil is divided into fluid grease and solid grease, with 15 ℃ as the critical temperature. At 15℃, if the oil is liquid, it is called fluid oil, such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, corn sprout oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil, etc.; if the oil is solidified, it is called solid oil , Such as cocoa butter, palm oil, coconut oil, etc.

The raw materials and production processes of various oils are different, and their nutrition is different.

(1) In addition to rich fat, butter also contains more vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. However, eating more butter is not good for your body. Although butter is rich in fat and vitamins, it also contains a considerable proportion of cholesterol. Regular consumption of butter can lead to high cholesterol content in the body, which can easily cause cardiovascular diseases.

(2) Soybean oil has rich and diverse nutrients, not only rich in unsaturated fatty acids, but also a variety of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin E. In addition, soybean oil also contains carotene, sterols, lecithin, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other mineral elements. Soybean oil has the function of moisturizing the intestines, which not only promotes the catabolism of cholesterol in the body, but also helps the digestive system quickly excrete cholesterol metabolites from the body, thereby completely reducing the content of cholesterol in the blood and effectively avoiding it in the blood vessel wall. The deposition on the surface has a significant therapeutic effect on various vascular diseases, constipation, and intestinal obstruction. Among the unsaturated fatty acids in soybean oil, the content of linoleic acid is relatively abundant. Linoleic acid is an anti-cancer substance, which has certain resistance and preventive effects on a variety of cancers. In addition, soybean oil can be used as an insect repellent and insecticide, as well as an antidote.

(3) Rapeseed oil contains unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Among them, the content of unsaturated fatty acids is particularly rich, which has a good effect on diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and hyperlipidemia. People with related diseases can eat more rapeseed oil. Rapeseed oil can clear away heat and detoxify, and is very effective for various scalds. In addition, rapeseed oil has a laxative function, and the effect of treating constipation is very significant.

(4) Sunflower seed oil contains a variety of nutrients, including unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, plant sterols, vitamin E, carotene and so on. Sunflower oil has a wide range of effects. It can not only regulate the metabolism in the body and make various metabolic organs work normally, but also can effectively reduce the cholesterol content in the blood. It has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on arteriosclerosis and other vascular diseases. The carotene in sunflower oil can keep the skin hydrated, make the skin full of elasticity, and prevent night blindness. In addition, carotene also has a certain anti-cancer effect.

(5) In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, peanut oil is also rich in amino acids and vitamins. Peanut oil has many functions, such as invigorating the middle, smoothing the intestines, moisturizing the dryness, etc., and can treat many diseases, such as dry heat in the lungs, dry cough in the throat, duodenal ulcer and various stomach diseases.